Many years later, I may not remember many details of this wedding, but I know I will remember the emotions it gave me. And the friend I met for the first time but felt like a long-lost reunion, Jun.

Do you have this kind of feeling? Sometimes, even though it's the first time meeting someone, you feel like you've known them for a long time. That's how I felt when I met Jun.

When I arrived at the venue for the wedding ceremony, they were busy setting up the wooden frame for the background, and among them were Jun's good friends. One couple had just obtained their marriage certificate two days ago (on another small lawn right next to the one where they were getting married). All those young friends of Jun made the tedious preparations feel lively, filled with warmth and laughter. Their intimacy went beyond friendship, resembling that of sisters, and it deeply moved me.

A simple wedding ceremony proceeded smoothly, full of warmth, and I did my best to capture those genuine, heartwarming moments. The happiness in the bride’s smiles, the affectionateness in the groom’s gaze, and the sincere blessings from the guests all touched me, this is what a wedding is all about, I thought.

Behind the camera, I, hidden from view, pressed the shutter over 1600 times in just a little over 2 hours — I was afraid of missing any precious moments.

After the ceremony, the guests followed the bride's friends to the restaurant, and I continued to follow the newlyweds to the campus of the University of South Carolina for more photos. By then, the bride and groom had relaxed, and we became more cordial. We chatted about various topics, shared their American dreams, and talked about their love story.

The wonderful twists of fate, resolute decisions— it reminded me of my own experiences. When you meet the right person, all the good things happen quickly, one after another. We just didn't want to part, never wanted to part again; it's such a simple thought that makes two inseparable people say, 'I do.'

We walked past the campus, those solemn and elegant academic buildings and the steam that rose from the ground. At some point, when Jun and I walked side by side, she naturally took my arm and began sharing her story with me, as if we had been friends for many years.

She felt like every good friend I've ever had. Fragments of memories of my girlfriends from elementary school, middle school, high school, college, church, and work flashed in my mind, as if all of them were right by my side, holding onto my arm.

I don't know if she knew how much this small gesture moved me and how much I needed this warmth. I began to understand why her friends surrounded her so closely, loving her, helping her, because she is such a warm person.

Many years later, I may not remember many details of this wedding, but I know I will remember the emotions it gave me. And the friend I met for the first time but felt like a long-lost reunion, Jun."




一场简简单单的婚礼仪式,却有条不紊,温情满满,我尽我所能去捕捉那些真实的,温暖的瞬间。新娘嘴角的幸福,新郎眼角的宠溺,宾客由衷的祝福,都让我感动。躲在镜头后面的我,在短短两个多小时里按下1600多次快门 --- 我生怕错过任何珍贵的瞬间。

仪式结束以后宾客跟着新娘的好朋友去餐厅吃饭,我继续跟着新人去南卡大学的校园里接着拍摄。这时的新郎新娘已经放松了许多,我们也更加热络起来,天南地北地聊天,说着属于他们的美国梦,和他们的爱情。奇妙的缘分,毅然的决定,让我想到我自己。当你遇见对的人,所有的美好都会发生得很快,一件接着一件。 我们只是不想分开,再也不要分开,就是这样简单的念头,让两个难舍难分的人,说了我愿意。


